(Click on any thumbnail to see a larger 640x480 JPEG image)
Opening Ceremony |
Scott staffs a camera |
Tom Koszoru ISDC 2004 Chair |
Tom Koszoru ISDC 2004 Chair |
George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir. | George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir. |
George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir. | George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir. | Cliff McMurray |
Cliff McMurray |
Jeff Liss |
Jeff Liss |
Jeff Liss |
Jeff Liss |
Tom Koszoru ISDC 2004 Chair |
Dale Amon :Conf Comm Dir |
Dale Amon :Conf Comm Dir |
Caption |
Caption |
OK Lt Gov Mary Fallin |
OK Lt Gov Mary Fallin |
OK Lt Gov Mary Fallin |
OK Lt Gov Mary Fallin |
Father Bill Pruett |
Agenda |
Greg Allison NSS Chairman, Executive Committee |
Greg Allison |
Marianne Dyson |
John K. Strickland Jr |
Caption |
Caption |
Jeff Liss |
Jim Plaxco |
Ronnie LaJoie& George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir |
Ronnie LaJoie & George Whitesides NSS Exec Dir |
Greg Allison |
Greg Allison |
Greg Allison |
Ronnie LaJoietakes notes |
Bruce Mackenzie |
Ronnie LaJoiewith web ideas |
Ronnie LaJoie |
George asks a question |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Caption |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Caption |
Caption |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Rick Tumlinson : Founder Space Frontier Foundation Hoisting the Jolly Roger |
Greg Allison |
Greg Allison |
Ken Money : Why We Should Create Space Colonies |
Ken Money : Why We Should Create Space Colonies |
Ken Money : Why We Should Create Space Colonies |
Ken Money : & Greg Allison |
Ken Money : & Greg Allison |
Ken Money : & Greg Allison |
Caption |
Jim Video tapes |
Scott & Jim Video tapes |
Scott & Jim Video tapes |
Dave Stuart leads NSS chapters meeting |
Dave Stuart |
Dave Stuart |
Dave Stuart |
George Whitesides |
George Whitesides |
George Whitesides |
Greg Allison |
Greg Allison |
Caption |
Mark Hopkins |
Mark Hopkins |
Dave & Mark |
Dave & Mark |
Jeff Liss |
Ronnie & Mark |
Ronnie LaJoie |
Ronnie LaJoie |
Jim Plaxco: NSS Vice President for Chapters |
Jim Plaxco: NSS Vice President for Chapters |
Bruce Mackenzie |
Robert Winglee : Plasma Propulstion |
Robert Winglee : Plasma Propulstion |
Tom Koszoru : ISDC Chair & Claire McMurray Co-Chair |
Tom Koszoru & Claire McMurray |
Tom Koszoru : ISDC Chair & Claire McMurray Co-Chair |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Bob Zubrin : Founder Mars Society Toward a Space Program that is Really Going Somewhere |
Caption |
Magi Whitaker |
Caption |
Nicolas Turcat of NSS France & Jim Plaxco |
??? & Jim Plaxco |
NSS Heinlein Loose Cannon Award & Greg Allison |
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Web Pages by BenPhotos by Ben Huset
Last revision June 15, 2004
by Ben
Counter started June 14, 2004 -
Comments welcome